AnaCoDa allows for the estimation of biologically relevant parameters like mutation bias or ribosome pausing time, depending on the model employed. Bayesian estimation of parameters is performed using an adaptive Metropolis-Hasting within Gibbs sampling approach. Models implemented in AnaCoDa are currently able to handle gene coding sequences and ribosome footprinting data.
The AnaCoDa framework works with gene specific data such as codon frequencies or position specific footprint counts. Conceptually, AnaCoDa uses three different types of parameters.
The first type of parameters are gene specific parameters such as gene expression level or functionality. Gene-specific parameters are estimated separately for each gene and can vary between potential gene categories or sets.
The second type of parameters are gene-set specific parameters, such as mutation bias terms or translation error rates. These parameters are shared across genes within a set and can be exclusive to a single set or shared with other sets. While the number of gene sets must be pre-defined by the user, set assignment of genes can be pre-defined or estimated as part of the model fitting. Estimation of the set assignment provides the probability of a gene being assigned to a set allowing the user to asses the uncertainty in each assignment.
The third type of parameters are hyperparameters, such as parameters controlling the prior distribution for mutation bias or error rate. Hyperparameters can be set specific or shared across multiple sets and allow for the construction and analysis of hierarchical models, by controlling prior distributions for gene or gene-set specific parameters.
AnaCoDa always requires the following four objects:
Genome contains the codon data read from a fasta file as well as empirical protein synthesis rate in the form of a comma separated (.csv) ID/Value pairs.
Parameter represents the parameter set (including parameter traces) for a given genome. The parameter object also hold the mapping of parameters to specified sets.
Model allows you to specify which model should be applied to the genome and the parameter object.
MCMC specifies how many samples from the posterior distribution of the specified model should be stored to obtain parameter estimates.
In this example we are assuming a genome with only one set of
gene-set specific parameters, hence num.mixtures = 1
. We
assign all genes the same gene-set, and provide an initial value for the
hyperparameter sphi (sϕ). sϕ controls the
lognormal prior distribution on the gene specific parameters like the
protein synthesis rate ϕ. To
ensure identifiability the expected value of the prior distribution is
assumed to be 1.
Therefor the mean mϕ is set to be $-\frac{s_\phi^2}{2}$. For more details see (Gilchrist et al. 2015)
After choosing the model and specifying the necessary arguments for the MCMC routine, the MCMC is run.
genome <- initializeGenomeObject(file = "genome.fasta")
parameter <- initializeParameterObject(genome = genome, sphi = 1, num.mixtures = 1, geneAssignment = rep(1, length(genome)))
model <- initializeModelObject(parameter = parameter, model = "ROC")
mcmc <- initializeMCMCObject(samples = 5000, thinning = 10, adaptive.width=50)
runMCMC(mcmc = mcmc, genome = genome, model = model)
does not return a value, the results of the MCMC
are stored automatically in the mcmc
objects created earlier.
Please note that AnaCoDa utilizes C++ obejct orientation and therefore employs pointer structures. This means that no return value is necessary for such objects as they are modified within the the
routine. You will find that after a completed run, theparameter
object will contain all necessary information without being directly passed into the MCMC routine. This might be confusing at first as it is not default R behaviour.
This case applies if we assume that parts of the genome differ in their gene-set specific parameters. This could be due to introgression events or strand specific mutation difference or other stuff. We make the assumption that all sets of genes are independent of one another. For two sets of gene-set specific parameter with a random gene assignment we can use:
parameter <- initializeParameterObject(genome = genome, sphi = c(0.5, 2), num.mixtures = 2, geneAssignment =, length(genome), replace = T))
To accommodate for this mixing we only have to adjust
, which is now a vector of length 2,
, and geneAssignment
, which is
chosen at random here.
To use empirical values as prior information one can simply specify
an observed.expression.file
when initializing the genome
genome <- initializeGenomeObject(file = "genome.fasta", observed.expression.file = "synthesis_values.csv")
These observed expression or synthesis values (Φ) are independent of the number of gene-sets. The error in the observed Φ values is estimated and described by sepsilon (sϵ). The csv file can contain multiple observation sets separated by comma. For each set of observations an initial sϵ has to be specified.
# One case of observed data
sepsilon <- 0.1
# Two cases of observed data
sepsilon <- c(0.1, 0.5)
# ...
# Five cases of observed data
sepsilon <- c(0.1, 0.5, 1, 0.8, 3)
parameter <- initializeParameterObject(genome = genome, sphi = 1, num.mixtures = 1, geneAssignment = rep(1, length(genome)), init.sepsilon = sepsilon)
In addition one can choose to keep the noise in the observations
constant by using the fix.observation.noise
flag in the
model object.
It can sometime be advantages to fix certain parameters, like the gene specific parameters. For example in cases where only few sequences are available but gene expression measurements are at hand we can fix the gene specific parameters to increase confidence in our estimates of gene-set specific parameters.
We again initialize our genome
, parameter
and model
genome <- initializeGenomeObject(file = "genome.fasta")
parameter <- initializeParameterObject(genome = genome, sphi = 1, num.mixtures = 1, geneAssignment = rep(1, length(genome)))
model <- initializeModelObject(parameter = parameter, model = "ROC")
To fix gene specific parameters we will set the
flag to FALSE
. This will
estimate only gene-set specific parameters, hyperparameters, and the
assignments of genes to various sets.
mcmc <- initializeMCMCObject(samples, thinning=1, adaptive.width=100, est.expression=FALSE, est.csp=TRUE, est.hyper=TRUE, est.mix=TRUE)
If we would like to fix gene-set specific parameters we instead
disable the est.csp
mcmc <- initializeMCMCObject(samples, thinning=1, adaptive.width=100, est.expression=TRUE, est.csp=FALSE, est.hyper=TRUE, est.mix=TRUE)
The same applies to the hyper parameters
mcmc <- initializeMCMCObject(samples, thinning=1, adaptive.width=100, est.expression=TRUE, est.csp=TRUE, est.hyper=FALSE, est.mix=TRUE)
and gene set assignment (est.mix
mcmc <- initializeMCMCObject(samples, thinning=1, adaptive.width=100, est.expression=TRUE, est.csp=TRUE, est.hyper=TRUE, est.mix=FALSE)
We can use these flags to fix parameters in any combination.
For some analyses, it may be useful to keep specific parameter types fixed. Parameter objects have code for keeping some gene-set specific parameters fixed while estimating others. For example, when using a ROC parameter object, fixDM() or fixDEta() can be used to fix mutation bias and selection gene-set specific parameters respectively.
genome <- initializeGenomeObject(file = "genome.fasta")
parameter <- initializeParameterObject(genome = genome, sphi = 1, num.mixtures = 1, geneAssignment = rep(1, length(genome)))
###Initializing Starting Parameters If you’re choosing to fix certain parameters, then it is a good idea to set these parameters to good values based on empirical data or previous analyses. There are many ways to initialize these values. Most hyperparameters and gene-specific parameters can actually be initialized when initializing the Parameter object, as demonstrated with sϕ. Protein production rates ϕ can also be initialized in the Parameter object using the argument initial.expression.values, which takes a vector (must equal the length of the genome) of values to use as ϕ. Note that these should be in the same order as the genes in the Genome object.
Gene-set specific parameters are initialized using functions after the Parameter object has been initialized. For ROC and FONSE, initMutationCategories and initSelectionCategories takes in a vector of file names (must equal the number of corresponding categories), the number of categories for that gene-set specific parameter (see Combining various gene-set specific parameters to a gene-set description), and an optional argument for keeping a parameter fixed at these values (an alternative to fixDM() and fixDEta). Note that if you use a mixture.definition value (see Combining various gene-set specific parameters to a gene-set description) such as “mutationShared”, then there would be only one mutation category, but multiple selection categories.
genome <- initializeGenomeObject(file = "genome.fasta")
parameter <- initializeParameterObject(genome = genome, sphi = 1, num.mixtures = 1, geneAssignment = rep(1, length(genome)))
fix_dm <- TRUE
fix_deta <- FALSE
parameter <- initializeParameterObject(genome = genome, sphi = c(1,1), num.mixtures = 2, geneAssignment =, length(genome), replace = T), mixture.definition = "mutationShared")
fix_dm <- TRUE
fix_deta <- FALSE
We distinguish between three simple cases of gene-set descriptions,
and the ability to customize the parameter mapping. The specification is
done when initializing the parameter object with the
We encounter the simplest case when we assume that all gene sets are independent.
parameter <- initializeParameterObject(genome = genome, sphi = c(0.5, 2), num.mixtures = 2
, geneAssignment =, length(genome), replace = T),
mixture.definition = "allUnique")
The allUnique
keyword allows each type of gene-set
specific parameter to be estimated independent of parameters describing
other gene sets.
In case we want to share mutation parameter between gene sets we can
use the keyword mutationShared
parameter <- initializeParameterObject(genome = genome, sphi = c(0.5, 2), num.mixtures = 2
, geneAssignment =, length(genome), replace = T),
mixture.definition = "mutationShared")
This will force all gene sets to share the same mutation parameters.
The same can be done with parameters describing selection, using the
keyword selectionShared
parameter <- initializeParameterObject(genome = genome, sphi = c(0.5, 2), num.mixtures = 2
, geneAssignment =, length(genome), replace = T),
mixture.definition = "selectionShared")
For more intricate compositions of gene sets, one can specify a
custom n × 2 matrix, where
n is the number of gene sets,
to describe how gene-set specific parameters should be shared. Instead
of using the mixture.definition
argument one uses the
The matrix representation of mutationShared
can be
obtained by
# [,1] [,2]
#[1,] 1 1
#[2,] 1 2
#[3,] 1 3
def.matrix <- matrix(c(1,1,1,1,2,3), ncol=2)
parameter <- initializeParameterObject(genome = genome, sphi = c(0.5, 2, 1), num.mixtures = 3,
geneAssignment =, length(genome), replace = T),
mixture.definition.matrix = def.matrix)
Columns represent mutation and selection, while each row represents a gene set. In this case we have three gene sets, each sharing the same mutation category and three different selection categories.
In the same way one can produce the matrix for three independent gene
sets equivalent to the allUnique
We can also use this matrix to produce more complex gene set compositions.
In this case gene set one and three share their mutation parameters, while gene set one and two share their selection parameters.
AnaCoDa does provide checkpointing functionality in case runtime has
to be restiricted. To enable checkpointing, one can use the function
# writing a restart file every 1000 samples
setRestartSettings(mcmc, "restart_file", 1000, write.multiple=TRUE)
# writing a restart file every 1000 samples but overwriting it every time
setRestartSettings(mcmc, "restart_file", 1000, write.multiple=FALSE)
To re-initialize a parameter object from a restart file one can simply pass the restart file to the initialization function
AnaCoDa is based on C++ objects using the Rcpp (Eddelbuettel and François 2011). This comes with the problem that C++ objects are by default not serializable and can therefore not be saved/loaded with the default R save/load functions.
AnaCoDa however, does provide functions to load and save
and mcmc
objects. These are the only
two objects that store information during a run.
#save objects after a run
runMCMC(mcmc = mcmc, genome = genome, model = model)
writeParameterObject(parameter = parameter, file = "parameter_out.Rda")
writeMCMCObject(mcmc = mcmc, file = "mcmc_out.Rda")
As genome
, and model
objects are purely
storage containers, no save/load function is provided at this point, but
will be added in the future.
Protein coding sequences are provided by fasta file with the default
format. One line containing the sequence id starting with
followed by the id and one or more lines containing
the sequence. The sequences are expected to have a length that is a
multiple of three. If a codon can not be recognized (e.g AGN) it is
Empirical expression or gene specific parameters are provided in a csv file format. The first line is expected to be a header describing each column. The first column is expected be the gene id, and every additional column is expected to be represent a measurement. Each row corresponds to one gene and contains all measurements for that gene, including missing values.
NOTE: The model described here is unpublished and currently in beta testing. Please use with caution. A common observation is tendency for inefficient codons to be more frequent at the 5’-ends of transcripts. One explanation for this is selection against ribosome drop-off, or nonsense errors, during translation. It is expected that nonsense errors are less costly towards the beginning of translation. AnaCoDa contains a model, the First Order Nonsense Error (FONSE) model, for estimating codon-specific nonsense error probabilities from codon count data. This models functionality is very similar to ROC. The primary difference for fitting a FONSE model instead of a ROC model to genomic data is specifying FONSE when initializing the Parameter and Model objects.
parameter <- initializeParameterObject(genome = genome, sphi = 1, num.mixtures = 1, geneAssignment = rep(1, length(genome)),model="FONSE",init.initiation.cost=a1)
model <- initializeModelObject(parameter,"FONSE")
FONSE also estimates the indirect cost of translation initiation. This value can be initialized with the parameter object with init.initiation.cost. After the MCMC has run, estimates for the initiation cost can be pulled from the trace object.
trace <- parameter$getTraceObject()
trace_a1 <- trace$getInitiationCostTrace()
mean_a1 <- mean(trace_a1)
sd_a1 <- sd(trace_a1)
ci_a1 <- quantile(trace_a1,probs = c(0.025,0.975))
NOTE: The models described here are unpublished and currently in beta testing. Please use with caution. Ribosome footprinting, or Ribo-Seq, is a relatively new technology which has allowed researchers to explore the translatome (mRNA being actively translated in the cell). The current version of AnaCoDa contains two models for estimating parameters from RFP data: The Pausing Model (PA) and the Pausing and Nonsense Error (PANSE) model. Although provided with the initial release of AnaCoDa, these models were still in beta testing.
Unlike ROC and FONSE, the Genome object for PA/PANSE takes in Ribosome Foot-Printing (RFP) counts in a csv file format. The first line is expected to be a header describing each column. The columns are expected in the following order gene id, position, codon, rfpcount. Each row corresponds to a single codon with an associated number of ribosome footprints.
YBR177C, 0, ATA, 8
YBR177C, 1, CGG, 1
YBR177C, 2, GTT, 8
YBR177C, 3, CGC, 1
After we have completed the model fitting, we are interested in the
results. AnaCoDa provides functions to obtain the posterior estimate for
each parameter. For gene-set specific parameters or codon specific
parameters we can use the function getCSPEstimates
. Again
we can specify for which mixture we would like the posterior estimate
and how many samples should be used. getCSPEstimates
has an
optional argument filename
which will cause the routine to
write the result as a csv file instead of returning a
csp_mat <- getCSPEstimates(parameter = parameter, CSP="Mutation", mixture = 1, samples = 1000)
# AA Codon Posterior 0.025% 0.975%
#1 A GCA -0.2435340 -0.2720696 -0.2165220
#2 A GCC 0.4235546 0.4049132 0.4420680
#3 A GCG 0.7004484 0.6648690 0.7351707
#4 C TGC 0.2016298 0.1679025 0.2387024
#5 D GAC 0.5775052 0.5618199 0.5936979
#6 E GAA -0.4524295 -0.4688044 -0.4356677
getCSPEstimates(parameter = parameter, filename = "mutation.csv", CSP="Mutation", mixture = 1, samples = 1000)
To obtain posterior estimates for the gene specific parameters, we
can use the function getExpressionEstimatesForMixture
. In
the case below we ask to get the gene specific parameters for all genes,
and under the assumption each gene is assigned to mixture 1.
phi_mat <- getExpressionEstimates(parameter = parameter,
gene.index = 1:length(genome),
samples = 1000)
# Mean Mean.log10 Std.Dev log10.Std.Dev 0.025 0.975 log10.0.025 log10.0.975
#[1,] 0.2729446 -0.6188447 0.0001261525 2.362358e-04 0.07331819 0.5455295 -1.13478830 -0.26319141
#[2,] 1.4221716 0.1498953 0.0001669425 5.194123e-05 1.09593642 1.7562065 0.03978491 0.24457557
#[3,] 0.7459888 -0.1512764 0.0002313539 1.529267e-04 0.31559618 1.2198282 -0.50086958 0.08629407
#[4,] 0.6573082 -0.2030291 0.0001935466 1.400333e-04 0.31591233 1.0699855 -0.50043989 0.02937787
#[5,] 1.6316901 0.2098120 0.0001846631 4.986347e-05 1.28410352 2.0035207 0.10860000 0.30179215
#[6,] 0.6179711 -0.2286806 0.0001744928 1.374863e-04 0.28478950 0.9683327 -0.54550116 -0.01397541
However we can decide to only obtain certain gene parameters. in the first case we sample 100 random genes.
# sampling 100 genes at random
phi_mat <- getExpressionEstimates(parameter = parameter,
gene.index = sample(1:length(genome), 100),
samples = 1000)
Furthermore, AnaCoDa allows to calculate the selection coefficient
s for each codon and each
gene. We can use the function getSelectionCoefficients
do so. Please note, that this function returns the log(s).
returns a matrix with log(s)
relative to the most efficient synonymous codon.
selection.coefficients <- getSelectionCoefficients(genome = genome,
parameter = parameter,
samples = 1000)
#SAKL0A00132g -0.1630284 -0.008695144 -0.2097771 0 -0.1014373 0 0 -0.05092397 ...
#SAKL0A00154g -0.8494558 -0.045305847 -1.0930388 0 -0.5285367 0 0 -0.26533820 ...
#SAKL0A00176g -0.4455753 -0.023764823 -0.5733448 0 -0.2772397 0 0 -0.13918105 ...
#SAKL0A00198g -0.3926068 -0.020939740 -0.5051875 0 -0.2442824 0 0 -0.12263567 ...
#SAKL0A00220g -0.9746002 -0.051980440 -1.2540685 0 -0.6064022 0 0 -0.30442861 ...
#SAKL0A00242g -0.3691110 -0.019686586 -0.4749542 0 -0.2296631 0 0 -0.11529644 ...
We can compare these values to the weights from the codon adaptatoin
index (CAI) (Sharp and Li 1987) or
effective number of codons (Nc) (Wright
1990) by using the functions getCAIweights
cai.weights <- getCAIweights(referenceGenome = genome)
#0.7251276 0.6282192 0.2497737 1.0000000 0.6222628 1.0000000
nc.per.aa <- getNcAA(genome = genome)
# A C D E F G ...
#SAKL0A00132g 3.611111 1.000000 2.200000 2.142857 1.792453 4.109589 ...
#SAKL0A00154g 1.843866 2.500000 2.035782 1.942505 1.986595 2.752660 ...
#SAKL0A00176g 5.142857 NA 1.857143 1.652174 1.551724 3.122449 ...
#SAKL0A00198g 3.800000 NA 1.924779 1.913043 2.129032 4.136364 ...
#SAKL0A00220g 3.198529 1.666667 1.741573 1.756757 2.000000 1.371638 ...
#SAKL0A00242g 4.500000 NA 2.095890 2.000000 1.408163 3.734043 ...
We can compare the distribution of selection coefficients to the CAI values estimated from a reference set of genes.
selection.coefficients <- getSelectionCoefficients(genome = genome,
parameter = parameter,
samples = 1000)
s <- exp(selection.coefficients)
cai.weights <- getCAIweights(referenceGenome = ref.genome)
codon.names <- colnames(s)
h <- hist(s[, 1], plot = F)
plot(NULL, NULL, axes = F, xlim = c(0,1), ylim = range(c(0,h$counts)),
xlab = "s", ylab = "Frequency", main = codon.names[1], cex.lab = 1.2)
lines(x = h$breaks, y = c(0,h$counts), type = "S", lwd=2)
abline(v = cai.weights[1], lwd=2, lty=2)
axis(1, lwd = 3, cex.axis = 1.2)
axis(2, lwd = 3, cex.axis = 1.2)
A first step after every run should be to determine if the sampling routine has converged. To do that, AnaCoDa provides plotting routines to visualize all sampled parameter traces from which the posterior sample is obtained.
First we have to obtain the trace object stored within our parameter object. Now we can just plot the trace object. The argument ‘what’ specifies which type of parameter should be plotted.
Here we plot the selection parameter Δη of the ROC model. These
parameters are mixture specific and one can decide which mixture set to
visualize using the argument mixture
A special case is the plotting of traces of the protein synthesis
rate ϕ. As the number of
traces for the different phi traces is
usually in the thousands, a geneIndex
has to be passed to
determine for which gene the trace should be plotted. This allows to
inspect the trace of every gene under every mixture assignment.
trace <- parameter$getTraceObject()
plot(x = trace, what = "Expression", mixture = 1, geneIndex = 669)
We can find the likelihood and posterior trace of the model fit in
the mcmc object. The trace can be plotted by just passing the
object to the plot
routine. Again we can
switch between log(likelihood) and log(posterior) using the argument
. The argument zoom.window
is used to
inspect a specified window in more detail. It defaults to the last 10%
of the trace. The log(posterior) displayed in the figure title is also
estimated over the zoom.window
We can visualize the results of the model fit by plotting the model object. For this we require the model and the genome object. We can adjust which mixture set we would like to visualize and how many samples should be used to obtain the posterior estimate for each parameter. For more details see (Gilchrist et al. 2015).
# use the last 500 samples from mixture 1 for posterior estimate.
plot(x = model, genome = genome, samples = 500, mixture = 1)
As AnaCoDa is designed with the idea to allow gene-sets to have
independent gene-set specific parameters, AnaCoDa also provides the
option to compare different gene-sets by plotting the
object. Here we compare the selection parameter
estimated by ROC for seven yeast species.